A blog about a first-time house owner learning to maintain his backyard, and thoughts about nature, science, history, and life.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Staring Contest with a Deer

 I was sitting in my living room just a few minutes ago when a young doe came along and stopped right next to the patio.  I picked up my camera a took a couple of photos, and my movement attracted the attention of the deer.  She stood there and stared at me for a minute or so, then turned and fled for the safety of the yard.  But then she turned around and stared back at me again: 

 Then she turned again, and it looked like she was going to run away.  But curiosity must have gotten the better of her, and once again she stopped, turned back toward the house, and pawed the ground as she stared back at me yet again. 

I'm guessing that this doe is two or three years old, recently independent of her mother, who appears to have just had another fawn, which I discovered in my yard last week.  I'll be keeping my eyes open for all of them over the rest of the summer.

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