A blog about a first-time house owner learning to maintain his backyard, and thoughts about nature, science, history, and life.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Change in Format for the blog

Hi folks,

I know that there are people still interested in following the blog.  And I am still interested in maintaining the blog.  But changes to my schedule mean that I have to make some changes.  I'll be spending part of my time in Brockport, NY and part of my time in Freeville over the coming months.  I'll still be collecting content for the blog, and I still have a massive backlog of pictures and posts to sort through.  But I'm not sure how much time and/or content I'll have to add a full post every day in the days, weeks, and months to come.

So here's the plan.  I'll try to post something every weekday.  Many days, at least for the time being, it will be a Picture of the Day: a picture that I haven't posted yet, and a brief description.  When I have the time, I'll write out a full-blown blog post or two.  The weekends will be wild cards, based on my schedule.  I may post a lot over the weekend, or I may post nothing, depending on what else I'm up to that weekend.   But the plan is for, at a minimum, five Pictures of the Day each week, with a couple of regular posts - I hope! - every week.

If you haven't done so already, please "like" the Acorn Place page on Facebook (linked on the upper right side of this blog).  In addition to short updates when I post something to the blog, I plan to post additional photos and content there.

Thank you for your support of the blog, and I hope you continue to visit Acorn Place in the months ahead.


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