A blog about a first-time house owner learning to maintain his backyard, and thoughts about nature, science, history, and life.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring (Yard) Cleaning

Thursday was a gorgeous day in Ithaca, sunny and warming up into the lower to mid-50s.  I had a little time to get outside and continue my spring clean-up of the yard.

There is junk scattered all around the yard, and now, before the vegetation fills in with the spring, is the time to get it cleared out.  

Embedded within the thorny plants on the one side of the yard were several pieces of wood.  To haul them out, I had to push the thorn-covered shoots out of the way.  In all, I retrieved about a half dozen objects that might eventually be of some use around the yard or the house.

There was smaller, less useful pieces of junk, like pieces of cinder blocks and bricks.

For now, I'm keeping the stuff piled in out-of-the-way parts of the yard, adding the smaller pieces of junk to my pile of eyesore.

And to close the post, here's a look at the expanded pile of eyesore:

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