A blog about a first-time house owner learning to maintain his backyard, and thoughts about nature, science, history, and life.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Solstice Sunset

Friday was the summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere, the longest day of the year.  From now until late December, we'll be having just a little bit less sunlight each day.  It also means that the Sun reaches it farthest point north in the sky.  I wanted to take some pictures of the setting sun, hoping that the views would be good, and I was rewarded for it.  How'd you like to live in this house?

The Sun had settled into a little slot in the willow tree, setting the tree ablaze with light and making for a pretty spectacular photo op. 

Of course, with the Sun low in the sky, the meadow across the street was spectacular as well:

As the Sun approached the horizon, some clouds low in the sky to the north-northwest became awash with color as the Sun passed below them in the sky.

The camera has a hard time doing the scene justice.  In the photo above, the sky is full of color, but the many shades of green in the foreground are washed out.  In the photo below, the sky is somewhat less spectacular, but the contrast between different trees and shrubs is more pronounced.  In reality, I could see both at the same time...truly breathtaking.

I had one last glimpse of the sky before the Sun bid us farewell for the night and began its slow return to the south.

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