A blog about a first-time house owner learning to maintain his backyard, and thoughts about nature, science, history, and life.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Freeville Tour: Uptown Freeville

You know, it seems almost silly to divide Freeville into segments, considering that the whole village comprises all of one square mile, and most of the civic and commercial buildings are clustered within maybe half of that area.  But for the sake of the blog and dividing things up so the posts don't get too long, I've divided Freeville into segments anyway.  This post will look at the rest of the civic and commercial buildings that haven't been covered in previous installments of the Freeville tour. 

The first two pictures in this post show the pink-and-white Fox and Hound bed and breakfast, which sits about a quarter mile up the road from the post office.  It looks like a nice place to stay if you're interested in checking out the sights of Freeville, Ithaca, and the Finger Lakes.

A little farther up Main Street is Finger Lakes Physical Therapy, one of the few businesses in town.  This used to be the site of a general store, the Red and White store (a reference to Cornell, perhaps?).  Even farther back in time, Riverside Park was located in the site of the current parking lot and behind it...this was where the tourists mentioned in Tuesday's post came.

Next to Finger Lakes Physical Therapy, in the same building, sits a vacant office.  Right in the heart of Freeville, it's prime office space if you ask me!

A little farther down Main Street sits a little bench, a community bulletin board (which in the fall had a list of the Methodist Church's chicken barbeque dates), and a sizable flagpole. 

The Suburban Shopper is a little local newspaper that comes in the mail every week.  This picture reminds me that as I was walking around Freeville taking pictures for this post, I saw quite a few houses with flags hanging out in the breeze.  Freeville is a patriotic little town.

One of the main attractions of modern-day Freeville, the Water Wheel Cafe serves delicious food 5 days a week (Wed-Sun).  If you live in the area and you haven't tried it yet, I suggest that you do!

Above is the entrance to the Water Wheel.  Most patrons park either on the street or in a little parking lot just down the road.

The next building over is a tile and flooring store, with what appears (through the window) to be a large selection. 

The site of the TileTec store used to be a two-in-one general store (I.G.A., it was called), with half of the store devoted to groceries and half of the store devoted to dry goods.  You can probably see that it's really two stores in one above.

Behind the Water Wheel Cafe...there's the water wheel.  It runs on electricity, I think; it's not powered by the water.

Here's a better view of the creek, looking downstream, in the direction of my house.

And here's a view looking upstream.  Back in the day, this bridge was not here, and the main crossing of Fall Creek was a little farther upstream, so the steamboat could go just a bit farther.

Here's the village hall.

And here's a close-up of the village hall.

Freeville has its own volunteer fire company.  The meeting hall was my polling place for this past fall's election.

For a small village, Freeville appears to have a sizable fleet of fire trucks.

The fire department has its own barbeque pit.  Freeville likes its chicken barbeques.

One more picture showing the fire department from a different angle.

There's another restaurant in town - Toad's Diner.  It's open for lunch most days and for dinner on Fridays.  It seems to be popular with the locals, especially on weekends.  I'll have to try it sometime.

Across the street from Toad's is the seasonal Toad's Too! Ice Crean Oasis.  It looks a lot nicer during the summer, when it's open.  This is a popular summertime hangout for Freeville residents and folks who happen to be passing through.  They've got over 100 flavors of ice cream!

There's another church in Freeville besides the Methodist Church - the Temple of Truth Church.

I'm guessing that the white building back there is the church.  It looks like a church, anyway.

And here's the driveway entrance to the church.

That garage is the Freeville Department of Public Works, and the road in front of it is called, appropriately enough, DPW Drive.  You can see that a bunch of people have dropped off their Christmas trees by the garage to be disposed of.

And that's it for this edition of the Freeville tour.  Between this post and the previous one in the series, I've covered the major commercial and public buildings in the town.  Ok, so Freeville's not too busy of a place...but it's still a nice little place to live.  I still have a couple of Freeville tour posts on the docket.  One will come in the next week or two and the other will have to wait until it gets warmer.  Can you guess what they might be?

If you missed the other Freeville tour posts to date, click on the "tour" tag below and they should pop up for you!

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